The purpose of this article is to guide you through linking your wearable Fitbit device with your account, as well as how to unlink if desired.

There are two primary ways to link your Fitbit with your account:

This article will guide you through both methods.

You can only have 1 wearable device linked to your account at any one time.

From the Web (Desktop or Mobile Browser)


Step 1:  While logged into the Main Dashboard on the web browser of your choice, locate and mouse over the four-square icon in the top right of the page. This will produce a drop-down menu. From this drop-down, click the Link Device option.


Step 2: You'll be brought to a page that displays a number of health tracker device manufacturers and providers. Click Link Device in the Fitbit section.


Step 3: You will then be re-directed to the Fitbit account login page. Sign in using your Fitbit account email and password to continue to the next step.


Step 4: In order for the application to function properly, it will need permission to import the necessary health data from the Fitbit tracker. While you may individually choose which details you wish to import, it is strongly recommended to Allow All for the application to function correctly. Then click the Allow button.


Note: The above App Authorization page will only appear the first time you attempt to link your Fitbit device, and will not be shown again when logging into the app in the future.

Step 5: After clicking the Allow button, you'll be brought back to the Manufacturer Link Device page from Step 2. The Fitbit section will have been updated with a green checkmark, indicating that a Fitbit account has been linked successfully! 

Note: The last sync date and time will appear at the top of the Fitbit section next to the green checkmark once the device has synced with your account. If this information is not present, then data has not yet been retrieved from your device. Please ensure that it is powered on and functioning. Also, once the device is connected, the sync will begin immediately and pull data from the last 60 days.

From the Health2Go Mobile App


Provided you have already installed and activated the Health2Go mobile appA picture containing graphics, circle, logo, clipart

Description automatically generatedyou may follow these instructions to link a Fitbit device to your account. If you have not installed and activated the app, instructions to do so can be found here.


Step 1: On your phone, open the Health2Go mobile app A picture containing graphics, circle, logo, clipart

Description automatically generated and sign in using your account username and password.


Step 2: Tap on Settings at the bottom of the app.


Step 3: In the Settings menu, tap Apps under Connected App to be brought to a list of tracker manufacturers/providers. 


Step 4: Tap Fitbit from the list provided.


Step 5: You will then be re-directed to the Fitbit account login page. Sign in using your Fitbit account email and password. If done correctly, you will be immediately returned to the Settings page from Step 3.


If your device was synced properly, within the next few minutes you should see the app and sync date & time appear under the Connected App section of the settings page like below.


You can also tap the four-square iconfrom the Home screen of the app, and then tap the Link Device option. If the Fitbit section that appears has a green checkmark, then the device has been connected.

Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting

What data can be retrieved from my Fitbit device? 

Consent must be given for the app to retrieve your data from the device. The type of data retrieved is determined by what has been selected in the consent form.

The following data can be retrieved from your Fitbit:

  • Steps
  • Active Minutes
  • Nutrition
  • Weight
  • Sleep 
  • Cycling Miles 


If not all data options have been chosen, then you will not see all the information listed above in the app.


How often is data retrieved from my Fitbit device?

Data is retrieved every time you log into the system and syncs once a day at midnight Eastern Time Zone.


How long does it take to sync my Fitbit data with the app?

The app syncs with Fitbit daily at 12 am EST and every time you log into your account from the web or the app.

It might take 1 or 2 minutes to process your most recent data.


I linked my Fitbit device, but I am unable to see my data. What should I do?

Fitbit data may not appear because your app account is linked to a Fitbit account that does not have a device associated with it.

To fix it, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Fitbit app and click on the Profile icon in the top left corner.
  2. Scroll down and click on Account Settings and then Change Email 
  3. Under Change Email, you will see the current email address that will be used to link your account.
  4. Open a browser window and go to
  5. Log out of your Fitbit account.
  6. Log into your app account and navigate to the device.
  7. Unlink your Fitbit Device and click on Link Device.
  8. You will be forwarded to the Fitbit Login page.
  9. Use the same email address used in the Fitbit app to log in to Fitbit.
  10. Allow the app access, and you will be forwarded back to the manage device page.
  11. Please wait patiently, as it may take a few minutes for the change to take effect. You will see your data for the last 60 days. 

If you don’t see your data in Fitbit, follow the steps outlined in this Fitbit help article:


My Fitbit was syncing data with my app, but suddenly stopped syncing. What should I do?

Open your Fitbit app and check if you see your most recent device data.

If the data is in the Fitbit app, but not in your Health2Go app account, then please do the following:

  • Logout from 
  • Unlink your Fitbit Device from your account 
  • Re-Link your Fitbit device 

If you still have an issue, contact Client Services at the Support Portal

If data is not in the Fitbit app, then follow the steps outlined in this Fitbit help article:  

You will need to have the data in Fitbit first, in order for it to be synced to and visible in your account.


Why am I not seeing my latest steps data after login? 

With Fitbit, each time you log into the system, it may take a few minutes to process any available data in Fitbit.

It takes a few minutes for the data from your device to sync to your account. If you have just logged in, please wait patiently for this process to finish. 

Steps or additional data may also not be seen when the device has synced, but no data is currently present on the device. 


Why was I not prompted for my login credentials when I re-linked my account with Fitbit? 

This is because you already provided the consent to Fitbit.

The best way to link your device is by completing the steps below:

  1. Log out from
  2. Log into your app account.
  3. Navigate to Link Devices.
  4. Unlink your Fitbit account.
  5. Link your Fitbit again.
  6. You will be prompted to enter your Fitbit account username and password.

For additional assistance, please contact your employer or our Client Services Team via the Support Portal.