For those who possess a wearable Garmin device, FitLyfe 360 can conveniently synchronize with it. This keeps your FitLyfe 360 profile updated and accurate following a short setup.


There are two primary ways to link your Garmin tracker with your FitLyfe 360 account:

This article will guide you through both methods.


Note: You can only have one wearable device linked to your FitLyfe 360 account at any given time.

From the Web (Desktop or Mobile Browser)


Step 1:  While logged into the FitLyfe 360 Dashboard on the web browser of your choice, locate and mouse over the four-square icon in the top right of the page. This will produce a drop-down menu. From this drop-down, click the "Link Device" option.



Step 2: You'll be brought to a page that displays a number of health tracker device manufacturers and providers. Click "Link Device" in the Garmin section.



Step 3: You will then be re-directed to the Garmin account login page. Sign in using your Garmin account email and password to continue to the next step.


Step 4: In order for FitLyfe 360 to function properly, it will need permission to import the necessary health data from the Garmin tracker. While you may individually choose which details you wish for FitLyfe 360 to import, it is strongly recommended to to allow both “Activities” and “Daily Health Stats” for the application to function correctly. Then click the "Save" button.



Note: The above App Authorization page will only appear the first time you attempt to link your Garmin device and will not be shown again when logging into the app in the future.


Step 5: On the next page you’ll be asked to agree for Garmin Connect and FitLyfe 360 to share information. Click “Agree”. After doing so, you'll be brought back to the Manufacturer Link Device page from Step 2. The Garmin section will have been updated with a green checkmark, indicating that a Garmin account has been linked to FitLyfe 360 successfully! 

If in the future you acquire a new Garmin device or wish to switch to a different type of tracker, simply click the "Unlink Device" button.



Note: The last sync date and time will appear at the top of the Garmin section next to the green checkmark once the device has synced with FitLyfe 360. If this information is not present, then data has not yet been retrieved from your device. Please insure that your wearable is powered on and functioning.

From the Health2Go Mobile App


Provided you have already installed and activated the Health2Go mobile appIcon

Description automatically generatedyou may follow these instructions to link a Garmin device to your FitLyfe 360 account. If you have not installed and activated the app, instructions to do so can be found here.


Step 1: On your phone, open the Health2Go mobile app Icon

Description automatically generated and sign in using your FitLyfe 360 account username and password.


Step 2: Tap on "Settings" at the bottom of the app.



Description automatically generated


Step 3: In the Settings menu, tap "Apps" under "Connected App" to be brought to a list of tracker manufacturers/providers. 


A picture containing rectangle

Description automatically generated


Step 4: Tap "Garmin" from the list provided.



Step 5: You will then be re-directed to the Garmin account login page. Sign in using your Garmin account email and password. If done correctly, you will be immediately returned to the "Settings" page from Step 3.


If your device was synced properly, within the next few minutes you should see the app and sync date & time appear under the "Connected App" section of the settings page like below.


You can also tap the four-square iconfrom the "Home" screen of the app, and then tap the "Link Device" option. If the Garmin section that appears has a green checkmark, then the device has been connected.


Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting

What data can be retrieved from my Garmin device? 

Consent must be given for FitLyfe to retrieve your data from the device. The type of data retrieved is determined by what has been selected in the consent form.

The following data can be retrieved from your Garmin device:

  • Steps

  • Exercise Minutes

  • Sleep

  • Food
  • Cycling Miles 
  • Third-Party Data

If not all data options have been chosen, then you will not see all of the information listed above in FitLyfe.

How often is data retrieved from my Garmin device?

Data is pushed to FitLyfe as soon as the device is synced with the Garmin app. 

It is then updated each time you sync your device with the Garmin app.

How often does FitLyfe sync with Garmin?

Garmin sends the data to FitLyfe the minute you sync your Garmin Device with the Garmin app.

I linked my Garmin account, but I am unable to see my data. What Should I Do? 

You may not see your data for one of the following reason: 

  1. Linked account is different than the account used with the Garmin Device. To check, complete these steps:
    • Open Garmin Connect App
    • Login and click on More (bottom right corner).
    • Click on Settings > App Diagnostics.
    • Check GC Acct. Name. Please check if the email address listed is the same email address used to link with FitLyfe when you linked the account.
      If it is not the same account, then complete the steps below: 
      • Log into FitLyfe.
      • Navigate to the User Menu and select Link Device.
      • Unlink your Garmin device.
      • Click on Link Device for Garmin.
      • You will be forwarded to the Garmin login page.
      • Enter you Garmin authentication using the same email address used in the Garmin Connect App.

    • You will be forwarded back to FitLyfe and you should be able to see that your account is successfully linked with green tick mark.  
  2. You have not synced your Garmin device. If your data is not in the Garmin Connect App, then follow the steps outlined in this Garmin help article: 

I don’t see my total active minutes in FitLyfe, what shall I do?

There are three types of activity minutes calculated in Garmin:

  • Active Minutes - Portion of the monitoring period (in seconds) in which the device wearer was active.
  • Moderate Intensity - Cumulative duration of activities of moderate intensity, lasting at least 600 seconds at a time. Moderate intensity is defined as activity with MET value range 3-6
  • Vigorous Intensity - Cumulative duration of activities of vigorous intensity, lasting at least 600 seconds at a time. Vigorous intensity is defined as activity with MET value > 6

Walk MET can vary from 2.5 METs to 5 METS when walking very briskly at 4 mph.

FitLyfe only obtains Vigorous Intensity and Moderate Intensity.

Table 3: Metabolic Equivalents (MET) Values for Physical Activity Levels

Physical Activity Intensity


Light intensity activities

< 3



watching television


writing, desk work, typing


walking, 1.7 mph (2.7 km/h), level ground, strolling, very slow


walking, 2.5 mph (4 km/h)


Moderate intensity activities

3 to <6

resistance training (weight) training, multiple exercises, 8-15 repetitions at varied resistance


calisthenics (e.g., push ups, sit ups, pull-ups, lunges), moderate effort


Pilates, general


yoga, Hatha


water aerobics, water calisthenics, water exercise


bicycling, stationary, 50 watts, very light effort



walking 3.0 mph (4.8 km/h)


calisthenics, home exercise, light or moderate effort, general


walking 3.4 mph (5.5 km/h)


bicycling, <10 mph (16 km/h), leisure, to work or for pleasure


bicycling, stationary, 100 watts, light effort


Vigorous intensity activities

> 6

jogging, general


calisthenics (e.g. pushups, sit-ups, pull-ups, jumping jacks), heavy, vigorous effort


running jogging, in place


rope jumping


Note: 1 MET = 1 kcal kg-1 hr-1 or 1 MET = 3.5 ml kg1 min1 of O2