To view your steps progress, click on View My Progress within the dashboard. The Steps Tab will be selected by default in the My Progress Screen.

A graph is provided at the top of the screen and may be used to view your progress over a specified date range. Hover over a bar on the graph to view the logged steps for that day.

Use the Date Range options in the upper right corner of the graph to view your progress over a specified date range. The default selection is the past month from the current date. 

Click on the Start Date, End Date, or the Calendar Icon to select a new date. Use the arrows to change the month and then click on the desired day. The graph will update automatically to show your steps for the entered date range. 

Date and time are displayed in your time zone. Additional sections will appear below the graph. They may be used to view and mange your steps goal, logged steps, and reward information (if configured). 

Setting a Steps Goal

The default goal for Steps/Day is 10,000 steps and can be changed by viewing your goal progress (see previous section). To do so, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Click on Set New Goal in the My Steps Goal section of the screen.

Step 2: Next, type the number of steps you would like to achieve each day. Click Save My Goal to save your change and update the number of steps. The change will be displayed underneath My Steps Goal after saving.

The Steps Graph will update automatically for the selected date range when a new goal has been set for Steps/Day.

Using the Steps Log

The Steps Log can be found at the bottom left of the My Progress Screen. Here you can view the steps per day and log manual steps if needed.

The log is broken down into each day to show the Total Number of Steps and Total Miles. A date may have multiple step logs if time was logged manually and synced from your device/wearable. 

Each date in the log can be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the icon to the left of the date. The red X may be used to remove an entry from the log.

If a rewards program is in place, the red X next to a log entry means that you have not met the rewards threshold or the point has not been processed.

Manually Logging Steps

Step data should be retrieved from a linked device (wearable). If you have not linked a device, please refer to the Wearables section of the documentation. To manually add steps to the log, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Log Steps located within the top left of the Step Log.

Step 2: Use the Calendar Icon and Clock Icon to configure the date and time information. Type the number of steps taken and then click on Log My Steps

Rewards Program

A rewards program can be set up where points are awarded for entering and tracking certain activities in FitLyfe. This feature is dynamic and will depend on how the Admin has configured the program within FitLyfe.

If a rewards program has been set up by the Admin, you will see a Rewards Section. The link at the top of the Rewards Section may be used to view a pop-up window showing a detailed history of points earned during the reward campaign.  

Troubleshooting FAQ

I link my device, but do not see my steps data. Why? 

Why is there no Delete (X) option for my step log record?

I link my device, but do not see my steps data. Why? 

If steps data is not being displayed, check the following:

  1. Have you given permission to sync data?
  2. Have you synced your device recently? 
  3. Has the correct filter date been chosen?

Why is there no Delete (X) option for my step log record?

This means that the steps have already been processed for the set up rewards program.