The Events Widget will appear in red within the dashboard and can be used to view upcoming events. This widget displays the top four events that are available for you to participate in.

These events are relevant to you and your employer specifically has invited you to participate in the event. Events are based on your profile and your eligibility.

Use the Information Icon to view more details about the widget or the Arrow to collapse or expand the widget. 

Events are displayed as a clickable link in this widget. If registration is required for the event and you have not registered, then Not Registered will be displayed next to the event link. 

If registration has been completed for an event, then Registered will be displayed next to the event link in the widget.

No information will be displayed by the link if registration is not required or the event has been closed. Click on the link for the event to see if it is closed or registration is not required. 

Registering for an Event

You can register for an event as long as the deadline has not passed. Once past the deadline, the event will be closed and you will be unable to register. 

Complete the following steps to register for an event:

Step 1: Click on Not Registered next the event to register. This option will be present unless the event does not require registration or has been closed. 

Step 2: The Events Detail Screen provides a description of the event and options for completing the registration. If there is a time slot for the event, select a Time from the drop-down menu in this screen. All information pertaining to the event is displayed below the time selection.

Step 3: Before you register for the event, the calendar icon will provide the event date, start time, and end time. 

Step 4: Click Register to complete the event registration.

Step 5: If consent is required to participate in the event, then a pop-up form will be provided. You will need to Agree & Register to complete the registration process when consent is required. 

Step 6: You will receive a Confirmation Code once you have agreed to the consent (if required) and completed the registration.

Important: This confirmation code must be taken to the event in order to check in.

Step 7: The system will send you a Calendar Invite if it is an Outlook or Google Calendar.

On the Awards Section of the event details, if this event has an award then you can see this information here. If there is no award, then no information will be displayed.

The Location and Length of Time will also be displayed in the event details, depending on what you registered for. The Outlook and Gmail Icons above the registration code can be used to add the event to your calendar.

Cancelling an Event Registration

An event can be cancelled only if it is before the deadline. Once the deadline has passed, you will not be able to cancel the event.

To cancel an event:

Step 1: Click Cancel within the Event Details Screen.

Step 2: Click Yes in the confirmation pop-up window to complete the cancellation. 

Once an event is cancelled, the system will send you a cancellation message for the event. 

Accessing All Registered Events

You can access all registered events by doing one of the following: 

  1. Click on Registered Events at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the User Settings Icon and choose Registered Event

Troubleshooting FAQ

Why can I not register? The registration button used to be there and not it is not available.

What happens if I need to cancel my event registration and the button is no longer available?

Will the system send me a reminder email?

What happens if I do not see the registration option on the Home page?

How would I know if I am registered or not registered for an event? 

Can I see my awards for an event?

Why can I not register? The registration button used to be there and not it is not available.

This is because the event is either full or has been closed. Contact your event manager to see if they can add a slot or register you again.

What happens if I need to cancel my event registration and the button is no longer available?

You can cancel an event registration by Contacting FitLyfe Client Services at [email protected] or by contacting your employer wellness manager.

Will the system send me a reminder email?

Yes, the system will send you a reminder email hours before the event start date and time. This is typically 24 hours before the event start time.

What happens if I do not see the registration option on the Home page?

This means that the event is either closed (past the deadline) or does not require registration.

How would I know if I am registered or not registered for an event? 

You can view the event on the home page in the events widget. It will either show Registered or Not Registered next to the upcoming event. 

You may also go to User Settings and select Registered Events. This will show you all the events you are registered for.

Can I see my awards for an event?

Yes, you can see your awards for an event by clicking on the Points Section (Yellow Widget) of the Home page.