Depending on the configuration of the system, your Program Admin, Employer, or FitLyfe may be able to set up challenges over a period of time. The challenge can span over four, six, eight, or ten weeks.

Purpose: The purpose of the Weight Challenge is to maintain weight or lose weight. It will guide you through a series of goal settings and tracking mechanism. 

Each challenge can be found on the main dashboard and each challenge will have a start and end date. The name of the challenge and widget are set by your employer or FitLyfe. You can register for the challenge by clicking on the challenge name within the green widget within the main dashboard. 

Note: This widget will only be present after a challenge has been configured by your Program Admin.

Once the challenge has been configured by the Program Admin, you will be able to register for the challenge, set your SMART goal, and track your progress.

Set Up Your Challenge Goal

To get started, you will need to register for the challenge by setting up a weight challenge goal. This can be done by completing the steps below: 

Step 1: Click on Click Here to Register within the green challenge widget. This option will only be present if you have not registered.

The registration button gives you a certain amount of time to register. It is important to make certain you are registered within the period of time that has been allocated for the registration. 

Step 2: This will open the Goal Setting Page. Select an available category for your wellness challenge. The category can be anything to keep you on track for the challenge. For example, you may want to reduce stress, be more active, or lose weight.

Step 3: Next, you will need to enter your overall challenge goal. A SMART Goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. This is the main overall challenge goal and will be seen each time you view your challenge progress page. 

  • What is your goal in that challenge?
  • What do you do in that challenge?

Example: "I want to lose 25 pounds in the next 8 weeks." This would be your overall challenge goal. Please note that the time frame of the challenge is set by your admin. 

Note: You will also configure a weekly challenge goal, which is how many pounds you want to lose each week to achieve the overall challenge goal. A good example of the weekly challenge goal would be losing 4 pounds per week for the duration of the challenge to meet the overall goal. 

Step 4: If your employer has set up any rewards, then they will be displayed below your SMART Goal information.

Step 5: Check the box to agree to the terms of the challenge.

Step 6: Click on Save and Continue to finish setting up your goal. 

Set Up Your Weekly Goal

Once your overall challenge goal has been set up, you will also need to set up your weekly challenge goal. This will be the number of pounds (lbs) you want to lose each week to meet the overall challenge goal. 

A pop-up window will appear for entering your weekly challenge goal. Enter the weekly goal in the pop-up window and then click Save.

Did You Meet Your Weekly Goal?

At the beginning of each week, the system will ask how you did the previous week and if the weekly goal was met or not. Then you will input your weight.

You determine if you have met your goal or not. It is an honesty system with yourself. 

Example: Your weekly goal may be to lose 4 lbs and you lost 2 lbs. However, it was a holiday and you avoided eating unhealthy foods. Therefore, you may say you still met your goal. It is subjective and depends on how you view your results. 

Important: Your response cannot be changed after it has been entered for the weekly challenge goal.

The system will track your progress as this information is entered each week. This information can be viewed in the progress page (next section).

Hurdle points are awarded based on your progress toward your weekly goal. Your hurdle points accumulate in the system each week and go toward the overall challenge goal.

Viewing Your Goal Progress

A weight challenge will have an overall challenge goal and a weekly challenge goal. For example, the overall challenge may be to lose 25 lbs and then the weekly goal will be to lose 2 lbs per week. 

Note: Keep in mind that the points you earn throughout the challenges are not the same as the points you earn through the overall wellness program. 

You can view your goal progress by clicking on the green challenge widget within the dashboard. The progress information is divided into multiple sections: Weekly Tip, Progress Message, My Goals, Summary, and My Progress.

You can view your Main Challenge Goal and Current Weekly Goal in the My Goals section. Click on the Pencil Icon next to each of these to update your goal information. 

Statistics are provided to the right of your current challenge goal information. Here, you can view statistics regarding your overall progress. The second portion of the statistics shows how you stack up against the rest of the team. 

The My Progress section will shows your progress for each week of the challenge. The system tracks your answers when prompted at the end of each week. 

You will be able to see your weekly challenge goal response for each week of the weight challenge. This includes whether the weekly challenge was met, the number of challenge points earned, and the entered weight. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I register for the weight challenge program? 

What is the challenge completion?

Do I have to finish all the hurdles? 

How do I update my challenge goal? 

How do I update my weekly challenge goal?

Who can see my smart goal?

What is the privacy on the weight challenge?

How do I know if I am registered for the challenge?

How do I register for the weight challenge program? 

Click on "Click Here to Register" in the green challenge widget within the main dashboard.

Then see the Set up Your Challenge Goal section of this page. 

What is the challenge completion?

The challenge is completed once you have tracked the goal for every week. 

This is accomplished by entering your response for each weekly goal in the challenge.

Do I have to finish all the hurdles? 

No, you do not. The hurdles only show the progress of the challenge for your weekly goals.

How do I update my challenge goal? 

View your progress and then click on the pencil to the right of the the challenge goal.

How do I update my weekly challenge goal?

View your progress and then click on the pencil to the right of your weekly challenge goal.

Who can see my smart goal? 

Only you can see your smart goal. 

What is the privacy on the weight challenge? 

Your goal data 100% private to you. No one else has access to it and it is not shared at this time.

How do I know if I am registered for the challenge? 

If you have not registered, then you will see the following message within the widget on the main dashboard:

Click Here to Register

If you already registered, then you will see the following message within the widget on the main dashboard:

View your progress