A team can be set up by a user to complete challenges in FitLyfe. The members of a team can challenge each other and keep track of their wins and losses for all challenges accepted by the Team Leader.
Each individual team can be assigned to one or more challenges and a team can win any number of challenges. Each challenge must end with a Win, Loss, or a Tie. In the case of a Tie, both teams will be awarded a Win.
Types of Teams
Users have the ability to create two types of teams in FitLyfe:
- Group - May contain a maximum of 40 people. Must have at least 2 active members to be available for challenges.
- Partner - You and another person will be challenging each other. This can be a spouse or another associate. If a spouse is in the system, then they will be automatically linked when creating the team.
Every user can be part of a team; however, an individual user can only belong to 1 partner and 1 group team.
Note: Once they belong to each type of team, they will not be available as a selection for additional teams unless removed from the current partner or group team.
Team Leader
Each team will have a Team Leader. This is either the user who created the team or the admin.
A Team Leader is able to:
- Manage the Team Roster - Invite members to the team and remove them from the roster as needed.
- Accept Challenges - At least 2 members of the team must be active for challenges to be available. A Team Leader can accept or decline any challenges the team has been invited to.
- Transfer Team Ownership - They may transfer ownership to another active member of the team.
Accessing Your Teams
To access and view your Team Home Page for challenges, complete these steps:
- Click on the Wellness Challenge Widget within the Home Page.
- Click on Teams sub-menu located in the upper right corner.
Note: If a team has been created, it will appear on the Team Home Page along with any notifications and team standings information.
Creating a Team
The person who creates the team will be assigned as Team Leader. If a group and partner team already exists for your login, then you will not be able to create another team for that team type.
To create a new team, complete these steps:
- Click on Create New Team underneath Your Team Standings.
- Select a team type from the drop-down menu: Group or Partner.
- Enter a Name for the team.
- Search for the users you want to invite. Enter a first and/or last name and click Search.
- Any user matching the entered search criteria will appear in the Search Results.
- Locate the member in the Search Results and click on the Member's Name to select them.
- Click on the right-facing arrow to add them to the Team Roster.
- Once the member has been added to the Team Roster, they will have an Invite Status.
- Click on Create My Team to finish.
Once the team has been created, you will be able to see the members of the team.
Each added member will have an Invited Status. This means an email has been sent to the member to join the team.
They will receive a notification underneath You've Been Challenged! when invited to a team. This invite may be accepted or denied through the Team Home Page.
Once it is accepted, the invited user will have a Member Status.
Note: If a member is grayed out, this means they already belong to that type of team and cannot be added. The team name they belong to will be displayed in the Search Results and you will not be able to invite them.
Note: You will automatically be added to the new team as the Team Leader. You can use the X to remove a member from the Team Roster when creating your team.
Team Home Page Overview
The Team Home Page provides all information pertaining to your teams. It contains three sections of information:
- My Location Tab/ Enterprise Wide Tab - Displays the team standings for each team you belong to and can be used to view the Team Roster.
Note: The team information will appear on the My Location Tab when only one or two locations exist for your company. If you are an enterprise company, then you will also see an Enterprise Wide Tab.
- You've Been Challenged! - Displays all notifications for your team(s). Notifications will appear when you are:
- Invited to a Team - The invited Team Member may either accept or reject the team invite.
- The Team is Invited to a Challenge - The Team Leader may accept or reject the challenge. Only a Team Leader can accept or reject challenges for the team.
- Your Team Standings - Displays the number of active challenges, wins, and losses for the team. Hover over the icons to view the team type. This section can be used to create a new team as well.
Note: The Create New Team option will be only be available if you are not currently part of a Partner or Group Team. When you are already a Member and/or a Team Leader of both team types, this option will no longer be available.
Viewing the Team Roster
The Team Roster may be viewed by clicking on the Team Name within the Team Home Page.
At the top of the Team Roster, you will see your Team Standings information:
- Team Name - The name of the team.
- Active Challenges - The number of challenges the team has been active in so far.
- Wins - Total number of wins.
- Losses - Total number of losses.
- Team Status - Pending or Active. The status will change from pending to active as soon as 2 members are active in the team.
- Team Type - Type of team. Hover the mouse over the icon to see the type (partner or group).
Below this information, you will see the following for each member:
- Initials
- Status
- Location
- Points Earned to Date
If you are a Team Leader, you will also see options for completing the following actions:
- Adding Members
- Removing Members
- Transferring Team Ownership