Locations Purpose

The purpose of Locations is to add your headquarter location and any additional locations into the system.

Once entered, they can be managed at any time from the Locations Tab. This includes making updates and changing the location status 

Locations Overview

The Locations Tab displays each location and its status (active or inactive). It may be used to view all locations, add locations, or to update an existing location in the system. You may also change the status of a location within this tab. 

To access this tab, click on Admin > Client Setting at the top of the dashboard. Then select the Locations Tab.

This tab displays each location currently in the system for your company in a table format. For each location, you will see the location name, address information, and the current status. 

Adding New Locations

At least one location must be added to the system and will be your headquarters. You may add as many locations as needed within the Locations Tab. Complete the following steps to add a new location: 

Step 1: Click on Add New Location within the Locations Tab.

Step 2: Add all required information into the form. Items with an asterisk* are required. 

  • Location Name - This field is important, as the name will be shown in drop-down menus to users and should be easily recognizable.

  • Location Code - This field is used to match your Location ID, which is used in the eligibility data file.

  • Address Fields - This information should be the physical address of the location.

  • Status - The status will default to Active. Locations with an active status appear as selections in menus when configuring events and in other areas of the system. Those with an inactive status do not appear to users. 

Step 3: Click Save to finish adding the location to the system. The new location will appear at the bottom of the list within the Locations Tab.

Once a location has been added, additional information will be present in the pop-up window to show when the location was created and last updated as well as who performed the changes. 

Editing Location Information

Each location displayed on the Locations Tab will have a Pencil Icon to the right of its current status. Click on this icon to open a screen for updating the location information. Make all necessary changes and then click Save to finish.

Changing the Location Status

A location may have an "Active" or "Inactive" status. If a location has an active status, it will appear in other locations of the system such as when setting up an event. 

To change the status, click on the Pencil Icon for that location and then select the appropriate status in the Status Menu. Remember to save when finished.

Please note that locations with an "Inactive" status will not appear in other locations of the system. 

Troubleshooting FAQ

Why do I need locations? 

I have only one location. Do I have to have a location? 

Where will the location be used? 

Can I delete a location?

How do I know if the location is active?

Why do I need locations? 

Because you can filter information within the system based on each location.

Information that is filtered by location includes eligibility data, events, reports, challenges, and content throughout the system. 

I have only one location. Do I have to have a location? 

Yes, you do. That location will be your headquarters.

Where will the location be used? 

It is used in the eligibility data, events, reports, and challenges.

Can I delete a location?

Yes, you can deactivate the location and then reactivate it at any time. 

However, the functionality to deactivate will prevent the location from being viewed in other places as well.

How do I know if the location is active?

Look at the status for the location on the Locations Tab

It will show "Active" if the location is currently active in the system. 

It will show "Inactive" if the location is currently inactive in the system.