Time Blocks Purpose
The purpose of the Time Blocks is to allocate certain blocks of time for individuals to register for the event. A block of time can span a short period of time during the event such as 5 or 10 minutes. It may also consist of a longer period of time such as 30 minutes or 1 hour.
As part of the configuration, you define how many users can attend each time block. This allows users to register for the event and select a time block accordingly. After the block has been filled based on the attendee limit, it will no longer be available as a selection to users.
Time Blocks Overview
The Time Blocks Tab displays any configured time blocks for the event. It may be used to add a time block or to update an existing one. Please note that this tab will not be present until an event has been created and saved in the system.
Time blocks allow you to allocate certain slots for people to register in for the event. For example, if your event is 1 hour and you want to have 10 minutes for every attendee, then you will have six people. Time blocks are very useful for on-site events where registration is required.
Adding a Time Block
A Time Block is a dedicated block of time each user can register for during the duration of the event. This configuration allows you to allocate slots for attendees to register for during the event. Complete the following steps to add a time block to an event:
Step 1: Click on Add Time Block to add a time block to an event. The pop-up will appear as shown below:
Step 2: Configure the Start Time and End Time for the time block. When entering the times, be certain to add AM or PM as well. You may also use the Clock Icon to select this information.
Important: The time block start and end time has to be within the start time and end time of the event.
Step 3: Then select how many minutes each block will be divided into (5, 10, 15, etc.).
Step 4: Set the attendee limit per slot. For example, if the prior step is set to 10 minutes, then this defines how many people you need to attend within each 10 minute block.
Step 5: Click Submit to finish adding the time block. Once added, users will be able to select a time block to register for the event based on this configuration. Added time blocks will appear within the list on the Time Blocks Tab.
Updating Time Blocks
A time bock may be updated if needed; however, it is important to understand how this affects users.
If users have already registered for the event, the change will not impact the registered people. It will only affect users moving forward.
Use the Pencil Icon to make changes to a time block.
Deleting Time Blocks
A time bock may be deleted from an event; however, it is important to understand how this affects users.
If users have already registered for the event, removing a time block will not impact the registered people. It will only affect users moving forward.
Use the red X to delete a time block from the event.