Eligibility Data Purpose
The purpose of the Account Information Tab is to enter and manage eligibility data for users. This information must be entered for a user to complete registration.
Eligibility Data Overview
Eligibility data must be entered for each user before they will be able to register and log into the system. This data must be entered for the associate and spouse(s).
This data may be entered manually: either per user or by importing a batch file. It may also adding to the system using automated entry.
Manual Entry
Eligibility data for users may be manually added in one of two ways: Individually or as a Batch.
Each process is described below along with a descriptions for each eligibility data field on the manual entry form.
Individual User Entry
To manually add eligibility data for a new user, first click on Admin > User Search and then click on Add Member within the User Search.
You will be directed to a form for adding this information. Enter all required and necessary optional information for the new member. Items with an asterisk* are required on the form.
Remember to click Save once the all required information has been entered properly for the member (employee, spouse, or domestic partner).
Important: If the Unique ID is already in the system, you will not be able to save the new member. The Unique ID field will be highlighted in red. For more information about this field, see the table below.
A prompt will be provided for choosing to send a Welcome Email to the user. This option is only available on manual entry.
Click Yes to do so or No if the email should not be sent. After eligibility data has been entered, additional tabs will be present for the user.
The template for the welcome email may also be modified. To learn more, please see Email Templates.
Once the record has been saved, you will be able to see the date the member was created, when they were last updated, and who made the update. This information is displayed in your local time zone.
Please see the table below for more information about these data fields.
Field | Description |
Unique ID | The Unique ID is used during the user registration process. It must be unique and confidential for each employee. Consult with your security or FitLyfe to come up with a unique id if you have not determined it yet. Each employee, spouse, domestic partner, and/or child must have a unique id. The Unique ID can be any combination of fields, but must be unique to the company itself. Important: This ID cannot be duplicated. If the ID has already been used for another member, the field will be highlighted in red within the entry form. Spouses/Domestic Partners: The Unique ID will need to be the same as the employees. Once the relationship is chosen within this form, you will see S01 at the beginning of the field. This value is part of the Unique ID for the user (i.e. spouse or domestic partner) and is combined with the employee's unique id. The reason for this addition is the back end system will link them together through the Unique ID. If more than one spouse or domestic partner is added, the number next to the S will increase by one (S01, S02, S03, etc.). This information will be added to the front of the Unique Id once a relationship has been selected. |
EmpID | The Employee ID is the ID tied to the company payroll system. This needs to be indicated in the payroll system as well. |
First Name | First name of the user. Click on the field to enter this information. |
Last Name | Last name of the user. Click on the field to enter this information. |
Date of Birth | Date of birth for the user ( Format: MM/DD/YYYY). Click on the field to type this information or use the Calendar Icon to select the individual's date of birth. |
Email address for the member. Click on the field to enter this information. An email is required and will be used to send a welcome email containing important information about the program to the member. Note: Upon adding a member (saving), a prompt window will appear for choosing to send a welcome email or not to the user. This email address will be used for the welcome email. | |
Gender | The gender of the user (male or female). |
Relationship | Select the members relationship within the menu. This can be the associate/employee or the spouse/domestic partner. When chosen additional information will be added to the front of the Unique ID to ensure this member is linked to the employee in the system. |
Location | Select a location for the member. Locations displayed here are populated by the system depending on what has been configured. To learn more about this information, please see the Locations page of the admin guide. |
Department | A member can belong to a specific department. Departments displayed here are populated by the system depending on what has been configured. To learn more about this information, please see the Departments page of the admin guide. |
Spouse ID | A Spouse ID is only necessary when adding a member who is the spouse or domestic partner of an employee. If the member is the spouse of an employee, then the Employee ID (EmpID) value must also be entered into the Spouse ID field. This is how the two members are linked together. This field should be empty when an employee is added. |
Joining Date | This is the date the member joined the program. |
Employment Type | This field is used to distinguish between employees and contractors. Select the employment type: Employee or Contractor. |
Hire Date | This is the date the employee was hired. |
SSN | This is the SSN (Social Security Number) of the member. |
Status | The Status is the employment status of the employee/member:
Group Prefix | If the employee is part of the health plan, then the Group Prefix for the plan will need to be entered in this field. |
In Plan | If the member is part of the health plan, then select Yes. If they are not part of the plan, select No. |
Address 1 | This is the primary address of the member. For example (500 North Rd.) |
Address 2 | This is the secondary address of the member. This could be an apartment number, suite number, etc. |
City | The city the member lives in. |
State | The state the member lives in. |
Zip | The zip code for the member. |
Home Phone | Home phone of the member. |
Work Phone | Work phone of the member. |
Batch User Entry
Batch user entry of eligibility information is an option as well. To use batch user entry for user eligibility, please discuss with your Account Manager to establish this process.
Automated Entry
Automated entry of eligibility information is an option as well. To use automated entry for user eligibility, please discuss with your Account Manager to establish this process.