Security Tab Purpose

The purpose of the Security Tab is to view and manage a user's registered account information. This tab will not be visible until the user has completed the registration process. 

Security Tab Overview

The Security Tab contains the user's authentication information, support PIN, security questions, and account history. Within the Security Tab, you are able to do the following: 

  • Change the username.
  • Send a password reset password link.
  • Change the user's password.
  • View and/or change the user's email address.

The Security Tab will not be available until the user has registered (created an account) in the system. Please remember that a user cannot register until you have added their eligibility data.

Accessing the Security Tab

To access the Security Tab, click on Admin > User Search. Then search for the user and click on the Pencil Icon to manage their information. Once there, click on the Security Tab.

Updating Security Information

Not all information displayed on the Security Tab can be updated by an admin.

To make changes either click on the field and type the new value or use the drop-down menu to make a selection.

Note: Items with an asterisk* are required.

Important: Every time security information is updated on this tab, the system will email the individual. 

The following table can be used to learn more about a field/option within the Security Tab:

UsernameThe Username must be unique for the system and is used by the user to log in.
Change Password

This option may be used to change the user's password.

Click on Change Password to enter and confirm the new password for the user.

Reset Password

This option may be used to send a reset link to the user via the email address displayed on the Security Tab.

Note: This link will expire after one hour.

Email AddressThe user's email address on file in the system.

The user's relation to the employee. A user may be an associate, spouse, or domestic partner.

Note: The relation depends on when they first log into the system. If anything changes within the relationship for eligibility, then it needs to be changed in the relationship on the security tab.

User Role

A user is assigned a role in the system. The role determines the user's permissions when logged into the system.

When selecting Location Admin, you must select the location you want the user to manage. The location could be the same as the user location or different.

Note: To learn more about available roles and their permissions, please see the User Roles page of the Admin Guide.

Account Status

Status of the user's registered account: Active or Locked.

  • Active - The user can log into the system at any time.

  • Locked - The user has made 3 incorrect login attempts in the system. After a period of time, the user can attempt to login again. The system will automatically unlock the user after 30 minutes.
Support and Consent Pin

This PIN is needed when the user contacts support or provides an onsite consent.

This consent is given when the user attends an onsite screening.

If the consent has not already been signed, the user can provide this PIN number to give their consent.

Security Questions

These are the security questions the user has chosen for their account.

The answer will appear blank even though it is saved in the system for the user.

For security purposes, you will not see the answers to these questions when viewing the user's security information.

Account History

This section shows the user's account history including the following:

  • Registration Date/Time
  • Date and Time of Last Update
  • Updated By
  • Browser Used
  • Last Successful Login
  • Last Accessed by IP