Link & Document Management Widgets Purpose

The purpose of the Link and Document Widgets is to organize the links and the documents within the system. These items are organized by categories set up for the widget and may be displayed for a specific location.

Link and Document Management Widgets Overview

The link and document management widgets can be used to organize links and documents displayed in widgets and/or dashboards within the system. This information is fixed content within the main dashboard. 

They may be used to provide a link for the user to visit or a document to download within the widget. Here, you may establish categories and group links or documents by categories. 

Two widgets within the Program Settings may be used to provide links or documents. Click on either of these widgets to view and manage links or documents. The widgets will appear as the following colors: 

Links can be tailored to be location-specific or corporate-specific when added to the system. A drop-down menu is provided in the widget for viewing links based on a location.

The table displays the content title, type of link, and the status of the link. Once a link has been defined for a location, this content will appear in the main dashboard after it is selected in the Location Menu

A drop-down is provided within the main dashboard for selecting a location. Once selected, the dashboard will refresh to show content for that location within the widgets. 

Adding a Category

Links and documents are organized by category within the widget. One or more categories will need to be added before they may be organized by category. To add a new category, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the appropriate widget tile.

Step 2: Select the Category Tab

Step 3: Click on Add New Category.

Step 4: Enter all required fields for the category. Items with an asterisk* are required.

The name should be something recognizable, as it will be shown as a menu selection when adding a link to the widget. 

A category must be "active" to be used for links and documents as well. 

Step 5: Click Save once finished. New categories will appear at the top of the table within the Categories Tab. You will see the Category Name and Status for each category.

Once the category has been created, you will be able to make changes by clicking on the Pencil Icon. At the bottom of the edit window, you will be able to see when the category was created, who created it, and last update information. 

The category may be selected for a new or existing link/document once it has been added to the widget configuration.

Changing the Category Name

A category may be modified at any time by completing the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the widget tile.

Step 2: Select the Category Tab

Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon to view and modify a category. 

Step 4: Click on the Category field and type the new name. 

Step 5: Click Save to save your changes. 

Changing the Category Status

A category may be modified at any time by completing the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the widget tile.

Step 2: Select the Category Tab

Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon to view and modify a category. 

Step 4: You may choose a different status (Inactive or Active). Please remember that categories with an "Inactive" status will not be available as a selection for links or documents. 

Step 5: Click Save to save your changes. 

Removing Categories

Complete the following steps to remove a category from a widget: 

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the widget tile.

Step 2: Select the Category Tab

Step 3: Click on the X for the appropriate category to remove it.

Step 4: Click on OK in the confirmation window to remove the category from the widget. 

A category cannot be removed if it is associated with any active links within the widget. 

Adding a Document Link

A widget can contain one or more documents. The documents may also be organized by category within the widget. If you have not added a category, please see Adding a Category

To add a document link, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the widget tile.

Step 2: Click on Add New Link.

Step 3: Enter the required fields for the document link. Items with an asterisk* are required. 

Step 4: Documents may be organized by categories, which are set up on the Categories Tab for the widget. Each category entered on the Categories Tab will appear in this menu.

Step 5: To add a document, select Document as the type of link. 

Step 6: The Dashboard Type is an important part of the configuration. This is because the link will appear in the wrong dashboard if the wrong option is chosen. The following three options are provided:

  • Main Dashboard - This dashboard is seen after a user logs into the system. 
  • Wellness Dashboard - This dashboard is seen after clicking on the bright green widget within the main dashboard. 
  • Health Points Dashboard - This dashboard is seen after clicking on the orange widget within the main dashboard.

Document links added to the Wellness Dashboard or Health Points Dashboard will appear underneath Quick Links within the Important Information section.

Step 7: C.lick on Choose File and select the document. These document types are supported: MS Word, MS Excel, and PDF files. 

Step 8: Configure Visibility for the document. Select who can view and download (All Users, Associate, and/or Spouse/Domestic Partner).

Click on drop-down menu, select a user group, and then click on Add User. Repeat this step if more than one user group should be added. Added users will appear in Selected Users. You can use the red X to remove a selected user. 

Step 9: Configure the document Status (Active or Inactive). Active documents will appear in the widget and inactive documents will not appear in the widget. 

Step 10: Document links added to the widget may be corporate-specific (all locations) or location-specific. 

  • Corporate-specific links are displayed to every user when corporate is chosen in the main dashboard. 
  • Location-specific links are only displayed when that location is chosen in the main dashboard. 

If both location-specific and corporate-specific content are defined, the location-specific content will be displayed to users. 

Step 11: Click Save to finish adding the document link. The link will appear at the top of the table within the Links Tab of the widget configuration. Each link will be organized based on the selected category. You will see the link name, type of link, and status. Options are also provided for editing or removing the document link. 

Adding a Web Page Link

A widget can contain one or more web page links. The links may also be organized by category within the widget. If you have not added a category, please see Adding a Category

To add a web page link, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the widget tile.

Step 2: Click on Add New Link.

Step 3: Enter the required fields for the web page link. Items with an asterisk* are required. 

Step 4: Web pages may be organized by categories, which are set up on the Categories Tab for the widget. Each category entered on the Categories Tab will appear in this menu.

Step 5: To add a web page, select Web Page as the type of link. 

Step 6: The Dashboard Type is an important part of the configuration. This is because the link will appear in the wrong dashboard if the wrong option is chosen. The following three options are provided:

  • Main Dashboard - This dashboard is seen after a user logs into the system. 
  • Wellness Dashboard - This dashboard is seen after clicking on the  bright green widget within the main dashboard.
  • Health Points Dashboard - This dashboard is seen after clicking on the orange widget within the main dashboard. 

Web page links added to the Wellness Dashboard or Health Points Dashboard will appear underneath Quick Links within the Important Information section.  

Step 7: Enter the URL for the web page. The link should either start with http:// or https://.

Step 8: The Show Disclaimer option may be checked (enabled) for the URL. This option is beneficial when it is an external link to a third party site not associated or affiliated with the company. If it is not checked, the viewer will be redirected to the link without any disclaimer. 

When checked, the viewer will see a disclaimer on the screen after clicking on the link. This disclaimer informs the viewer that they are leaving the platform and requires consent to do so.

Step 9: Configure Visibility for the web page link. This option determines who can view the link (All Users, Associate, and/or Spouse/Domestic Partner).

Click on drop-down menu, select a user group, and then click on Add User. Repeat this step if more than one user group should be added. Added users will appear in Selected Users. You can use the red X to remove a selected user. 

Step 10: Configure the web page Status (Active or Inactive). Active links will appear in the widget and inactive links will not appear in the widget. 

Step 11: Web page links added to the widget may be corporate-specific or location-specific. 

  • Corporate-specific links are displayed to every user when corporate is chosen in the main dashboard. 
  • Location-specific links are only displayed when that location is chosen in the main dashboard.

If both location-specific and corporate-specific content are defined, the location-specific content will be displayed to users. 

Step 12: Click Save to finish adding the web page link. The link will appear at the top of the table within the Links Tab of the widget configuration. Each link will be organized based on the selected category. You will see the link name, type of link, and status. Options are also provided for editing or removing the web page link. 

Updating Widget Links

Once a link has been added to the widget, it will appear at the top of the table of the Links Tab within the widget configuration. To make changes to a link, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the widget tile.

Step 2: Click on the Pencil Icon for the appropriate link. 

Step 3: Click Save to finish.

Changing the Widget Link Location

For each widget link, you are able to configure whether it appears for a specific location or corporate in the dashboard.

This can be changed by completing the same steps for updating widget links (previous section). 

To make this change, select a different option in the Location Menu and then save the change. 

Removing Widget Links

Once a link has been added to the widget, it will appear at the top of the table of the Links Tab within the widget configuration. To remove a link, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings and then click on the widget tile.

Step 2: Click on the for the appropriate link. 

Step 3: Click OK within the confirmation window to remove the link.

Troubleshooting FAQ

If links is defined as corporate-specific and location-specific, which will be visible to the user?

Can I hide the widget from view in the main dashboard?

Can I change the widget title?

Can I change the widget tooltip?

How can I update the content for the health points dashboard?

The location-specific content will be visible to the user before the corporate.

In order for the corporate-specific content to be visible, you will need to configure the status of the location-specific content to "inactive".

Can I hide the widget from view in the main dashboard? 

Yes, you can. To do so, you will need to change your visibility on the Properties Tab.

The steps for hiding a widget from view are the same for each available widget.

Please see the Program Settings page for more information.

Can I change the widget title?

Yes, you can. To do so, you will need to change the title on the Properties Tab.

The steps for changing the widget title are the same for each available widget.

Please see the Program Settings page for more information.

Can I change the widget tooltip?

Yes, you can. To do so, you will need to change the tooltip description on the Properties Tab.

The steps for changing the widget tooltip are the same for each available widget. 

Please see the Program Settings page for more information.

How can I update the content for the health points dashboard?

Make sure to have selected the dashboard type Health Points.