Content Widgets Purpose
The purpose of Content Widgets is to schedule your content to be rolled out automatically based on the effective date. Content may be configured to be visible by certain users as well as for a specific location.
Content Widgets Overview
Content Widgets display static content and are dynamic widgets. This means they will not appear in the main dashboard if no content exists for them.
Three widgets within the Program Settings may be used to manage content. Click on one of these widgets to view and manage this information. Added content will appear underneath the corresponding widget within the main dashboard. The widgets will appear as the following colors:

Within the Content Tab, you can see existing content for the widget. This includes Content Title, Effective Date, Number of Groups, Workflow, and Status. A drop-down menu is provided in the widget for viewing contents for a specific location.
Important: In order for the content to be visible to the user, the content will need to have Published in the Workflow Column and Active in the Status Column.
The Groups Column displays the number of grouped user content. Content may be displayed to all users or to a specific user group (associate or spouse/domestic partner).
Content may be location-specific or corporate-specific. Location-specific content is only promoted to the people who are attached to that location.
Corporate-specific content can be seen by everyone. If there is a conflict, the location-specific content will be displayed and not the corporate-specific content.
Adding New Content
Please remember that content must be published and active to appear to viewers. It will also not be visible until the effective date. To add new content, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings.
Step 2: Click on the appropriate colored tile for the widget.
Step 3: Click on Add New Content.
Step 4: Enter all required information. Items with an asterisk* are required.
Step 5: Define a Workflow for the content (Draft, Published, or Reviewed). Please remember that the content will not be rolled out until the effective date and time, even after published is chosen.
Important: The effective time will be the corporate time zone.
For example, the content may need to be approved prior to publishing making it important to choose draft. Once approved, it may be changed to reviewed or published.
Step 6: The Effective Date is the date the content will be rolled out.
For example, if today is January 12 of the current year and the Effective Date is set to February 1st, then the content will not be visible to the selected audience and/or location until February 1st.
Step 7: The Location selection is important. This option defines what locations can see the content.
- Specific Location - If a specific location is chosen, then only those users can see the content.
- All Locations - All users will see the content. All location content will only be visible if the location does not have content that is specific to the location. If there is no location specific content, then the content will roll to all location content.
If both location-specific content and content for all locations is defined, the location-specific content will be displayed to users.
Note: This information is populated from the Locations Tab in the Client Settings. For more information, please see Locations.
Step 8: The Add Content option may be used to select a specific user group for displaying the content. The pop-up window can be used to add the displayed content.
There are two different types of content that may be added for a widget: Associate and Spouse/Domestic Partner. If only one option is chosen here, then content will only be displayed to those users.
For example, if content has been added for Associates, then only users who are associates will see this content upon logging in.
Step 9: Configure Visibility for the content. This option determines who can view the content: Associate and/or Spouse/Domestic Partner.
Click on the Select who can view container field, select a user from the drop-down menu, and then click on Add User. The user will appear in Selected User.
Use the X to remove a user if needed. If both user types are added, then everyone will see the content when logged in. If only one is chosen, then only that group of users will see the content after logging into the system.
Note: Two groups may be set up to provide a different message to the Associate and the Spouse/Domestic Partner. If two groups have been added, then you will see the number 2 in the Groups Column for the widget.
Step 10: Use the rich text editor to enter your HTML content. The system expects HTML content and will maintain format if you copy and paste this information.
Important: It is not recommended to copy and paste from MS Word, as this application has its own HTML tags.
Step 11: Click Save to finish adding the group content.
Step 12: Click Save again.
Updating Widget Content
To modify existing content, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings.
Step 2: Click on the tile for the widget.
Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon for the desired content.
Step 4: Make any needed changes and then click Save.
Changing the Widget Content Location
For each content item, you are able to configure whether it appears for a specific location or corporate in the dashboard.
This can be changed by completing the same steps for updating widget content (previous section).
To make this change, select a different option in the Location Menu and then save the change.
Updating Group Content
To edit group content for a content item, you will need to do the following:
Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings.
Step 2: Click on the tile for the widget.
Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon for the desired content.
Step 4: Click on the Pencil Icon for the group.
Step 5: Make the desired changes and then click Save.
Removing Group Content
To edit group content for a content item, you will need to do the following:
Step 1: Click on Admin > Settings.
Step 2: Click on the tile for the widget.
Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon for the desired content.
Step 4: Click on the X for the group to remove it and then click Save.