Video Library Widget Purpose
The purpose of the Video Library Widget is to tailor media (video and audio) content to the population and the user data. The content will be dynamically selected for the user.
Video Library Widget Overview
The Video Library Widget may be used to add video or audio content to the main dashboard. A video or audio file may also be featured on the widget for specific audiences and/or locations.
To access this widget configuration, click on Customize> Settings and then click on the blue widget tile. The widget tile will appear as shown below in the Program Settings.

Video library media can be tailored to be location-specific or corporate-specific when added to the system. A drop-down menu is provided in the widget for viewing media content based on a location. The table displays the title, type, if it is featured, and the status of the media.
Once a location has defined for the media, this content will appear in the main dashboard after it is selected in the Location Menu.
You will see two tabs at the top of the widget configuration: Content and Properties. The Properties Tab is only accessible to the Program Admin. The Location Admin will not have access to this tab, but is able to add video and audio file content for their own location population.
On the Content Tab, you will see the Title. Media Type, Status, and if it is Featured. If the status is Active, then the content media can be seen by viewers. If the status is Inactive, then it will not appear within the widget. Options are also provided for updating media content.
Adding Video & Audio Content
To add video or audio content, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on Customize > Settings.
Step 2: Click on the blue widget tile to access the configuration.
Step 3: Click on Add New Media.
Step 4: Enter all required information for the content. Items with an asterisk* are required.
Step 5: The Feature option may be enabled to configure the media as a feature video or audio file. Tick the checkbox to enable this option. When not checked, it is disabled.
Video or audio content may be featured for a specific audience and/or location. A feature video may also be configured for each audience. Only one video can be the feature video per audience.
When a video is tagged as featured, it will override all other system settings. The system will not tailor any other widgets or content to the widget. The features video will be the content priority and placed in the widget.
If a video is not featured, then content will be randomly selected based on the user data for display in the widget.
Step 6: The media content Description is shown . The rich text editor can be used to define the formatting as well.
Step 7: A media file may be External or Internal. The configuration will be different for each selection in the pop-up window. Remember to click Save in the pop-up window once finished.
- External media can be linked from Vimeo or YouTube. Select External for the Media Reference to include an external media file.
Next, complete the following steps to link the external media for display in the Video Library Widget.:
Go to the video page within YouTube (or Vimeo) to access the media.

Click on the Share option within Vimeo or YouTube.

Copy the provided embedded URL.

Paste the the URL into the URL Field in FitLyfe.

- Internal media can be dragged and dropped into the window. You may also click in the same area to browse for the file.
Step 8: Configure Visibility for the media content. This option determines who can see the content when logged into the system (associate, contractor, or spouse).
Step 9: Configure Health Considerations for the content. Videos can focus on a certain consideration such as high blood pressure. When chosen as a health consideration, any user with the condition or consideration will see the video in the widget.
Individuals who have the health risk will see the content on the widget. Other viewers will see the content in the media dashboard, but not on the widget.
Step 10: The Location Menu is used to define if the content is location-specific or corporate-specific. This selection can be used to filter the displayed content both in the widget configuration and in the main dashboard by location.
- Corporate-specific links are displayed to every user when all locations is chosen in the main dashboard.
- Location-specific links are only displayed when that location is chosen in the main dashboard.
If both location-specific and corporate-specific content are defined, the location-specific content will be displayed to users.
Step 11: Configure the Status (Active or Inactive) for the media content. Only media content with an Active status will be visible to users.
Step 12: Click Save to finish adding the video or audio content.
After the video or audio content has been added, you will be able to see the content within the table for the widget configuration. An audit feature is provided and allows you to see the Account History at the bottom of the Edit Form.
The history shows the date the content was created and who created it. It also shows the last update date and who made the update. This information will be blank until changes have been saved for the content.
Updating Video & Audio Content
An audio or video file will be displayed within the Content Tab of the widget configuration after it has been added. To make changes to the configuration, complete the steps below:
Step 1: Click on Customize > Settings.
Step 2: Click on the widget tile to access the configuration.
Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon for the video or audio content.
Step 4: Make any needed changes and then click Save.
Changing the Widget Content Location
For each content item, you are able to configure whether it appears for a specific location or corporate in the dashboard.
This can be changed by completing the same steps for updating video & audio content (previous section).
To make this change, select a different option in the Location Menu and then save the change.