Programs Purpose

The purpose of the Programs Tab is to establish and manage the programs that will be used to create each yearly program campaign.

Programs Overview

Once categories have been set up, you will need to also establish one or more programs for the yearly program campaign.

These programs may be used for each yearly campaign and will not need to be set up again. 

Existing programs will be displayed within the Programs Tab with the following information: Program Name, Category Name, Allow Admin to Override, and the Status

Use the slider to scroll up or down through the list of programs in the system. 

Establishing Programs

To establish a new program, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Admins > Settings and then click on the orange widget tile. 

Step 2: Select the Program Tab.

Step 3: Click on Add New.

Step 4: Enter all required information. Items with an asterisk* are required. 

Step 5: The Program Name should be something that is easy to identify, as the information will be selected from a drop-down menu when setting up your yearly program campaign. 

Step 5: An Icon must be selected for the program. It is important to select an icon. If the icon does not exist, then you will need to contact Client Services using the Contact Us Form

Step 6: Each program is grouped into a category. Select a Category for the program. Information displayed here is configured within the Categories Tab

If you have not set up a category, please refer to the Categories page. 

Step 7: The  Allow Admin to Override option determines if the admin will be able to override the points. 

  • No - Points will be automated and cannot be changed or added by the admin.
  • Yes - Points may change the point value manually if needed. For example, if the points are 100, they may go in and enter a lower or higher point value. 

Step 8: Points are awarded for the selected module based on the rules set for the annual program campaign. You will need to select a Module from the menu. Examples for each module type are provided below: 

  • HRA - Once you have created a program and program campaign for HRA, the user will be awarded points after completing the HRA based on the campaign year and period.

  • Steps - Once you have created a steps program, you will be provided the ability to enter a scale for minimum steps, maximum steps, and awarded points as well as have the option for allowing the user to self-report.

  • Sleep - After setting up a program and program campaign, the user will be awarded points each time they report sleep data.

  • Weight - After setting up a program and program campaign, any entry of weight will give the user points allocated during the campaign.
  • Blood Pressure - After setting up a program and program campaign, any entry of blood pressure data will give the user points allocated during the campaign.

  • Biometric Screening - After setting up the program and yearly campaign, the user will receive the awarded points for the campaign when user biometric data has been entered for the user. 

Important: After a module has been selected and saved for a program, it will not longer be a selection when establishing additional programs in this tab. 

Step 9: The Description may be used to establish a Hyperlink that will take the viewer to a specific module or link you want to have. It may also be used to add text about the program. 

Step 10: Configure the program Status. Active programs will be visible to the user and Inactive programs will not be visible to the user. 

Step 11: Click Save to finish and add the new program. 

Once the program(s) have been established, you will need to set up a program campaign for your programs. This should be done every year and is a recurring process for awarding points.

Updating Programs

Once a program has been added, it may be modified at any time by clicking on the Pencil Icon

Make any needed changes within the pop-up form and then click Save when finished.

For example, these steps can be used to change the Title or the Status of the program. 

Each time a change is made, the last updated date and updated by information will be updated as well.