Program Campaigns Purpose
The purpose of the Program Campaigns Tab is to set up and manage each yearly program campaign.
Program Campaigns Overview
A campaign must be set up each year within the system. To do so, you will need to have established programs. If you have not done so, please refer to the Programs page.
The Program Campaigns Tab may be used to view campaign information for the chosen Campaign Year. For the selected year, you will see the Program Name, Points, Max Points, Frequency, Start Date, End Date, and Status.
The Locations Menu may be used to view a selected year's program campaign for a single location or all locations. Program campaigns may also be added for a chosen location or all locations.
Points do not have to be configured for each location unless they are different.
Please remember that the program campaign itself must be set up each year.
Adding a Program Campaign
A Campaign Year drop-down menu resides on the right side of this tab and may be used to select a campaign year. It is important to make certain the right year is chosen before adding a campaign, as the campaign year will be automatically set to the year selected in the drop-down menu.
Important: You may have one campaign per program per year.
To add a program campaign, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on Admins > Settings and then click on the widget tile.
Step 2: Select the Program Campaigns Tab.
Step 3: Select the Campaign Year. This is important, as a new program campaign should be created each year.
Step 4: Click on Add New Program Campaign.
Step 5: Enter all required information. Items with an asterisk* are required.
Step 6: A Program must be selected for the new program campaign. These options are populated from the established programs within the Programs Tab (see previous section),
It will only show available programs for the campaign. Once a program has been selected, it will no longer appear as a selection in this menu.
Step 7: Checking Allow Self Report will allow a regular user to enter their activity manually. If this should not be permitted, leave this box unchecked.
When checked, another option will appear below this one in the form. The Allow Delete Own Activity will allow the user to remove their own activity data when checked. If you do not want the user to delete their own activity, this option should be left unchecked.
Step 8: The Required to Complete option informs the system whether or not the program activity is required to complete for the year. Check this box if it is required. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
For example, if a Biometric Screening is part of the yearly program campaign and must be completed, you will want to check this option.
Required to complete items will appear on the Annual To Do List Widget on the main dashboard. For more information please see: Wellness Program Requirements.
Step 9: The Required Evidence option should be checked when the user must provide documentation and must upload the document. When it is enabled, the user will have an upload option within the form for the program activity. If evidence is not required, leave this option unchecked.
Step 10: The Campaign Year defaults to the year selected in the Campaign Year drop-down menu within the Program Campaign Tab. If the wrong year is shown here, you will need to exit out of the form and select the right year.
Step 11: The Start and End Date should be the campaign period for the program.
Step 12: Configure the program campaign Status (Active or Inactive). Only active campaigns will be visible.
Step 13: Configure points settings. These settings determine the number of points awarded during the campaign for a given frequency and the maximum awarded points. This includes configuring the following:
- Points - Number of points to be awarded for the activity at the entered frequency. For example, if the points is 50 and you choose a frequency of monthly, then the user can be awarded 50 points per month.
- Max Points - Maximum number of awarded points allowed toward the program campaign.
- No Limit - If this box is checked, then there is no limit for the number of awarded points. When not checked, the system will use the value entered in Max Points.
- Frequency - The frequency points are awarded for the program (annual, monthly, daily, etc.). More information can be found within the Frequency Reference Table in the next section of this page.
- Locations - Health points may attached to a specific location when added to the system. When a location is selected, then points will be awarded during the campaign for that location only. When all locations has been chosen, the health points are corporate-wide.
Example 1: Let's say you enter the following: 50 points, 50 max points, and a frequency of daily, The user will have one entry for the program and hit the max. They will not be able to receive any more points for the program campaign.
Example 2: Let's say you enter 10 points, enable no limit, and choose a daily frequency. This means the user can be awarded the point value every day with no limit. This would be 10 x 365 (days in a year) for this example. For monthly, it would be 10 x 12 and so on.
Example 3: Let's say the you enter 50 points, 500 max points, and a daily frequency. Then the user can be awarded 50 points each day until they reach the 500 max.
Step 14: Click Save to finish adding the program campaign. After the program campaign has been added, you will be able to see the campaign within the table of the Program Campaign Tab.
An audit feature is provided and allows you to see the Account History at the bottom of the Edit Form. The history shows the date the content was created and who created it. It also shows the last update date and who made the update.
Frequency Reference Table
The following table provides further explanations on each available frequency and how it works based on the start date, end date, and awarded health points.
Frequency | Description |
Daily | For this frequency, the defined number of points can be awarded for the entered activity each day from the Start Date to the End Date of the campaign. These points can be entered until the defined maximum points is reached. If no limit is checked, then the points can be entered each day from the start date to the end date of the campaign. |
Monthly | For this frequency, the defined number of points can be awarded for the entered activity only once each month. The month begins on the Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) and then rolls over each month on the same day until the End Date is reached for the campaign. Example: The campaign will span one year and a value of 50 points has been entered. Points may be entered once a month for a total of 12 entries with each activity entry being worth 50 points. |
Quarterly | For this frequency, the defined number of points can be awarded for the entered activity only once every three months. The first quarter begins on the defined Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) and then rolls over every three months on the same day until the End Date is reached for the campaign. Example: The campaign will have a duration of 1 year and 50 points will be awarded per entry. Every 3 months 50 points can be entered for a total of 4 entries. |
Annual | For this frequency, the defined number of points can be awarded for the entered activity only once a year. This entry can occur any time between the defined Start Date and End Date of the campaign. Example: Points may be awarded annually for a Biometric Screening. Once the screening is complete, points may be entered one time for the screening. |
No Max | If this frequency option is selected, then there is no maximum number of entries and activities may be entered at any time throughout the campaign duration. |
Updating Program Campaigns
Once a program campaign has been set up, it may be update by clicking on the Pencil Icon.
Make any needed changes and then click on Save.
As changes are made, the audit section will update to reflect the last updated information.