Assessments Purpose
The purpose of Assessments is to provide assessments to individual member's. This assessment can be in the form of a quiz, the form of questions, or designed for educational purposes regarding health.
Assessments may also be used to perform a survey of the general member population. Questions may be set up for members to answer and then member's may be awarded points if desired.
Assessments Overview
Assessments provide a way to gauge your member's engagement and to award points to members. You may award points or choose not to award them.
To access the assessment configuration, click on Admin > Settings and then click on the dark orange widget tile. The widget tile will appear as shown below in the Program Settings.
An assessment can have any number of questions, which can be set up to be true or false, contain checkboxes, or contain radio selections. Additionally, questions may be configured to require a correct answer by the member.
Before you can set up the questions for an assessment, you will first need to complete the basic configuration for the assessment and then configure each of the questions/answers.
To create an assessment, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on Create Question Set to begin setting up an assessment for members.
Step 2: Complete the initial assessment configuration.
- The Title and Description should convey the purpose of the assessment.
- The Program selection menu contains available programs and assigns the assessment to a specific program.
- Award points determines if points will be awarded to the member after completing the assessment. If no points should be awarded, then leave this selection set to No.
The Title and Description will be seen by each member at the beginning of the assessment.
Step 3: Click Save to begin configuring questions and answers for the assessment. The questions configuration will appear below the initial assessment information (title, description, etc.) after saving.
Once an assessment has been created, auditing information will be displayed below the Save option to show who created it and when as well as when it was last updated and what user made the updates.
Please note that the next section only shows how to configure the question portion of the assessment. See Configuring Question Answers to learn how to configure answers for each question.
Configuring Assessment Questions
After an assessment has been created, you will need to begin setting up the questions and answers for that assessment. To set up one or more questions, complete the following steps as many times as needed:
Step 1: Click on + Add Question to get started. Each question will have several options that may be configured depending on your specific needs.
Step 2: The Name (Title) and Description should provide information to make the question easy to understand for each member.
For example, the Title could be "How many hours did you sleep last night?" and the Description could be "Select the total number of hours you slept." or "Sleep Apnea is a serious condition that can be detected earlier by evaluating your sleep patterns.
Step 3: The Question Type determines how the member will answer the question. Three options are available within the drop-down menu:
- Yes/No - This option makes the question true and false. Either the question is correct or not correct for the member.
- Checkbox - This option can be used to set up multiple choices for the member. Members may select one or more options when answering the question.
- Radio Button - This option can be used to set up multiple choices as well; however, members can only select one option as the answer.
For example, if the member is answering the number of hours slept as mentioned above in Step 2. The radio button option could be chosen and set up with multiple answers for each hour (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.). This allows the member to select the number of hours they slept for the question.
Step 4: Additional options are provided here and may be configured, but are not required and set to "No" by default.
- Require Correct Selection - When this option is enabled (set to yes), you will be able to select the required answer to the question. The user will need to select the correct answer before moving to the next question.
Note: When Quiz Mode is set to "No" the user may select the wrong answer and continue to the next question. However, the user will not have the needed score for the assessment. - Quiz Mode - This option allows the assessment to be scored based on which answer is correct for each question. When enabled (set to yes), the user will need to answer the question correctly to receive a score.
- Logic Branching Mode - This option allows for additional questions to be branched under the initial question. These questions are then answered after the initial question has been answered.
Step 5: Click on Save to save the question configuration and begin setting up answers for the question.
The above steps will need to be completed for each question that will be part of the assessment. Additionally, for each question, you will need to configure one or more answers. See the next section to learn more.
Configuring Question Answers
Each question will need to have answers configured as well. After the question is saved, you will be redirected to an answer configuration containing two answer configuration sections.
A minimum of 2 answers must be present for a question. More than two answers may be configured for each question, depending on the what Question Type was chosen in the question configuration.
Complete the following steps to configure answers for your questions:
Step 1: The Title is the answer to the question.
For example, if the question was "Did you exercise yesterday?", then the answer title could be Yes or No.
Alternatively, if the question is "How many hours did you sleep last night?", then the multiple answers may be necessary with titles such as 8 hours, 6 hours, etc..
Step 2: The Description should provide additional details to the user to aid in answering the question.
For example, it might read "Answer yes if you exercised at least 30 minutes yesterday."
Alternatively, it might read "Choose the hour closest to the number of hours you slept."
Step 3: (Optional) If Quiz Mode is enabled for the question, you will need to enter a value for each answer in the Quiz Mode field to show which is correct and not correct.
The correct answer should be assigned a "1" and incorrect answers should be assigned a "0".
For more information about this option, please see the previous section titled Configuring Assessment Questions.
Step 4: (Optional) If Logic Branching Mode has been enabled for the question, then the Branching Logic drop-down menu can be used to select the follow-up question for the member.
Once the member answers the question, then they will be prompted to answer the follow-up question.
Available follow-up questions are populated from all questions added to the assessment.
For more information about this option, please see the previous section titled Configuring Assessment Questions.
Step 5: Configure the rest of your answers. Additional answers may be added to the bottom of existing answers by clicking on Add Answer. The steps are the same as above for each answer.
You may also use the Plus option underneath Actions to add a question below the current question directly below that question.
A question may be removed by clicking on the Minus option underneath Actions.
Step 6: Once finished, click Save to save your answers for the question. You will be returned to the Assessment and Question information where additional questions and answers may be configured.
Changing the Question Order
Once questions have been added to the assessment, you have the option to change the order for the assessment. If the order is not changed, then they questions will be asked in the order they were added to the assessment.
To change the order, use the number entry field located to the right of each question. Enter a number value to show the order (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.).
In the example below, if the order numbers were reversed, then Question 2 would be asked first during the assessment. Click Save to save the change and the order will be updated within the screen.
Viewing Assessments
Each assessment will have a unique link that may be copied within the configuration. This link may be pasted into a browser for viewing, testing, and completing the assessment.
To view and/or test an assessment, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the Pencil Icon to view and edit an assessment.
Step 2: Next, click on Copy to copy the link to your clipboard.
Step 3: Paste the link into a browser address bar and hit Enter on the keyboard. You will be redirected to the assessment and can view/answer each question.
Answer a question and then click Next to view the next question. Click on Previous to view the previous question. Once all questions have been answered, the user will receive a thank you message to show the assessment is done.
Complete steps 1 & 2 to provide members access to an assessment. Once copied, the link may be provided on your company site, pasted into an email, or provided using another accessible form of communication. The member may then use the link to access and complete the assessment.
Updating Assessment Information
After an assessment has been created, you can update its information by completing the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the Pencil Icon located to the right of the assessment name in the table.
Step 2: Make any needed changes. You are able to update the assessment title, description, program and award points options as needed.
Step 3: Click on the Save Button to save your changes.
See the next section to learn how to make changes to an assessments questions and answers.
Updating Questions & Answers
While viewing the assessment, you can make changes to a question and/or its answers by completing the following steps:
Step 1: Hover the mouse over the question while editing the assessment and click on the Pencil Icon.
Step 2: The question configuration will appear at the top of the screen and the answer configuration will appear at the bottom. Make any needed changes to this information.
Step 3: Click on the Save Button to save your changes.
Removing Assessment Questions
To remove a question from an assessment, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the Pencil Icon to edit the assessment.
Step 2: Hover the mouse over the question you want to remove and click on the X to delete it.
Step 3: A confirmation message will be provided at the top of the screen to ensure the question should be removed.
Step 4: Click on OK to delete the question. The question will no longer appear within the assessment configuration.
Click Cancel to close the message without removing the question.
Deleting Assessments
To remove an assessment from the system, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the Pencil Icon located to the right of the assessment name in the table.
Step 2: Then, click on the Delete Button located at the bottom of the form.
Step 3: A confirmation message will be provided at the top of the screen to ensure the assessment should be removed.
Step 4: Click on OK to delete the assessment. The assessment will no longer appear in the list of assessments.
Click Cancel to close the message without deleting it.