Fitness Challenge Purpose

The purpose of the Fitness Challenge is to set up a program where users are able to track their activities (exercises or steps) based on a defined activity level.

Fitness Challenge Overview

The Fitness Challenge focuses on exercises and steps. Once the challenge has been set up, the user will be able to register and log activity each week. Users can register for the challenge by: 

  1. Selecting the location/team to be part of during the challenge.
  2. Selecting an award if any are available
  3. Selecting a goal for the challenge. 

The goal determines how many times a week the activity should be performed and can be one of the following:

  • Beginner - Meet 2 qualified checkpoints a week.
  • Intermediate - Meet 4 qualified checkpoints a week.
  • Advanced - Meet 6 qualified point a week.

Upon registration, the user will be forwarded to to the Progress Page to log activities, to see their own progress, and compare their progress to others within the same company.

Upon completion of the challenge, the user will receive a virtual medal based on the selected user level (Bronze, Silver and Gold).

Program Admins can set the points awarded based participation or completion of the challenge.

An additional incentive (award) level can be set by the Program Admin as well and is selected by the user at time of registration.

Fitness challenges may be set up for all locations or a specific location in the system.

Fitness Challenge Goals and Health Points

Sample User Goal: User must complete 30 minutes qualified activity (based on user goal level) or 10,000 steps daily to qualify for one point.

As the user completes the activity they receive a point. Each point will progress the user on a virtual progress map and track challenge progress based on the activity level they selected during registration.

If the user exercises or walks below the set threshold (30 minutes or 10,000 steps), the point will be unqualified and will not progress them on the virtual map.

Fitness Challenge Templates

Program Admins are able to select a template and then customize any or all of the default settings to fit their own organizational culture in regards to wellness. 

The Fitness Challenges can be set up using 4 predefined templates:

  • The Good Walk - FitLyfe will contribute 10% of the account premium to the World Pediatric Project, a nonprofit organization with a mission to heal critically ill children and build healthcare capacity in the world.

  • Burn it Up - A strength challenge designed to help the user work their muscles and continue burning calories.

  • Skip the Gym - Encourages users to work out at home and get back to basics, no gym required.

  • Go Vertical - Encourage users to stand up more rather than sitting and harming their health.

It is highly recommended for the Administrator to change the weekly images and messages so they reflect the company culture and leadership engagement objectives. Changing the default progress messages to come from leadership is another engaging tool. 

Setting Up a Fitness Challenge

Every Fitness Challenge has the same basic challenge configuration when it is created.  Fitness challenges may be set up for all locations or for a specific location.

After a challenge has been set up, you will be able to edit the challenge information and further customize it in the system.

To get started, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on Customize > Settings. Then click on the dark green tile to view and setup a wellness challenge. It appears as shown below: 

Step 2: Next, click on Add New Program to create a new wellness challenge.

Step 3: Select a fitness challenge template (The Good Walk, Burn It Up, etc.).

Step 4: The template will be filled with default settings, which can be changed to better reflect your organization and challenge needs.

Step 5: Once finished, click on Save and Continue to save the challenge. 

For more information about each of the challenge information settings, please see Wellness Challenges.

Once the basic information has been entered, you will be able to configure additional information for the challenge. Each of these items are covered in the remaining sections of this page. 

Challenge Incentives and Awards

Once the challenge information has been entered, you will be able to set up incentives (i.e. awards) for the challenge. 

These awards are set up per individual challenge and can be configured during or after setting up the challenge. Users are able to select an award when registering for the challenge.

To add an incentive or award, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on a challenge within the Program List Tab.

Step 2: Click on the Awards in the left panel.

Step 3: Click on + Add Record.

Step 4: Enter an Award Type and click on Update.

Awards can be edited or removed if needed by using the icons to the right of the award in the table. You can set up as many incentives as needed for the challenge.

Customizing Weekly Tips

Weekly tips appear each week on the user's home page. This information changes each week for the duration of the challenge.

For example, if it is an 8 week challenge, then there should be 9 tips and images for the challenge. There will be 9 total because a tip and image is also configured to prompt the user for registration on their home page.  

It is recommended to customize the weekly tips and images to further encourage users throughout the challenge. 

Best practice is to tailor each message and image to promote the culture of your organization and the fitness challenge objectives.

To customize weekly tips, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on a challenge within the Program List Tab.

Step 2: Click on Weekly Tips within the left panel. 

Step 3: Make certain the Weekly Tip Tab is selected.

Step 4: Click on the Pencil Icon to modify a tip.

Step 5: Click Update to finish.

The challenge end message can also be customized from this location in the system. Just click on the Challenge End Message Tab and follow the same steps!

Customizing Weekly Images

Weekly images appear each week on the user's home page. This information changes each week for the duration of the challenge.

For example, if it is an 8 week challenge, then there should be 9 tips and images for the challenge. There will be 9 total because a tip and image is also configured to prompt the user for registration on their home page.  

It is recommended to customize the weekly tips and images to further encourage users throughout the challenge. 

Best practice is to tailor each message and image to promote the culture of your organization and the fitness challenge objectives.

To customize weekly images, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on a challenge within the Program List Tab.

Step 2: Click on Weekly Images within the left panel. 

Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon to modify a weekly image.

Step 4: Next, click on Choose File to select an image from your computer.

Step 5: Click Update to finish.

Customizing Point Progress Step Messages

Point Progress Step Messages are seen by the user after entering their activity for their user level (beginner, intermediate, advanced).

The message will be seen on the user's progress page and can be customized for each step along of the way.

This information may be modified after entering the basic challenge information or at any time by editing the challenge.

To update point progress step messages, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on a challenge within the Program List Tab.

Step 2: Click on the Progress Step in the left panel.

Step 3: Click on the Pencil Icon to update a message.

Step 4: Enter the message for the progress step and then click Update.

Managing Activities (Exercises)

Acceptable activities need to be set up for the challenge. Exercises entered here will be available to the user on their log activity page.

Activities may be added during challenge creation or by editing the challenge. Multiple exercises can be configured to provide users with several options for completing their challenge checkpoints each week.

Several exercises are provided by default and can be used to customize acceptable activities for the fitness challenge.

Use the X to remove an activity or the Pencil to edit an activity.  

Click on Add Activity to add a brand new exercise to the fitness challenge.

Customizing Weekly Emails

Participants will receive weekly emails throughout the duration of the challenge. The Subject and Message may be customized for each weekly email. 

This information may be customized while initially creating the challenge or any time after by editing the challenge. 

To customize a weekly email, complete the following steps: 

Step 1: Click on a challenge within the Program List Tab.

Step 2: Click on the Email Services in the left panel.

Step 3: Next, click on Edit to update a weekly email.

Step 4: After changing the Subject and/or Message, click Update to save the change.