Insight Manager Purpose

The purpose of the Insight Manager is to provide real time access to your user population.

Insight Manager Overview

The Insight Manger can be accessed by clicking on Admin > Insight Manager.

It consists of three tabs, which may be used to view percentages based on eligible member, user, participating member, and biometric result data. 

Eligible Tab

The Eligible Tab provides information regarding your eligible members and users. Totals displayed in these visual graphs also include spouses and domestic partners.

It provides the number of eligible employees and the number of eligible spouses/domestic partners above the graphs.

Eligible vs. Users 

This graph shows how many of your population is eligible members and how many are registered users. Ideally, the goal is to have the total number of eligible members to become registered users, which is 100% participation.

For example, if your company has 100 employees, then this is the number of eligible members. If 50 of those members register in the system, then they become users.

Eligible members and users also include any spouses or domestic partners for eligible employees. 

Active vs. Inactive

This graph shows the percentage of users who are active and inactive in the system. The graph is broken down into the following: 

  • Active Employees - These are employees who are in the system and current employees of your company.

  • Active Spouses - These are spouses who are in the system and belong to a current, active employee.

  • Inactive Employees - These are employees who are no longer in the company and no longer active in the system, but still have a record in the system.

  • Inactive Spouses - These are spouses of employees who are no longer in the company or active in the system, but still have a record in the system. 

You can hover the mouse over any part of each graph to see the total member count for the category (Eligible, Users, Active Employees, etc.).

Utilization Tab

The Utilization Tab shows data pertaining to overall member participation. The graphs are broken down into the following:

  • Members by Gender - This graph represents the percentage of participating members who are male, female, or did not define a gender.

  • Members by Age - This graph represents the percentage of participating members in defined age groups (18-30 years, 31-40 years, etc.). "Other" means the age was not defined by the participating members.

  • Members by Relation - This graph represents the percentage of participating members who are spouses/domestic partners and associates.

  • Most Active by Relation - This graph represents the percentage of participating members who are most active broken down by relation (spouse/domestic partner and associate).

Hover the mouse over the graph and a category (i.e. male, female, etc.) to see the total count of participating members.

Biometric Tab

The Biometric Tab shows biometric data for registered users over one or more program years and can be used to compare the data between years. The tab defaults to the current year automatically.

By default, if you have less than 50 people registered in the system, then you cannot compare biometric results. If you have more than 50 people with biometric data, then you can compare and view results on this tab.

Use the drop-down menu to select a program year. More than one program year may be selected for comparing the same population data. Click on the X to remove a program year from the report.

Biometric Report

Biometric Report for the selected program year(s) can be found below this information and can be reviewed by scrolling down.

Within this report, you will see each selected program year and the number of participants.

Below this information, each section of the report will show biometric results for the selected program year(s). 

As additional years are selected, they will appear within the report as well. 

Keep in mind that when you select one or more additional program years, the system will only compare for the same population that participated for both years. 

Example: Let's say for 2018 the biometric data is for John, Sal, and Amy. However, in 2017 there is only biometric data for John and Amy. Then Sal will not be included in the population when comparing biometric data between program years.

Stage and risk factor information within the biometric report may be customized by your company. All of these numbers can be customized. Ask your Account Manager for further customization.